New Delhi: Rajiv Bajaj, the managing director of Bajaj Auto, is a fitness freak and does yoga every morning. Till some time back, he used to play football with the company's workers in Pune, till an injury happened. Unknown to the outside world, for the last couple of years, he has read voraciously on homeopathy.
Those who know Bajaj well say that the passion for alternate medicine comes from his close friendship of over seven years with Mukesh Batra who runs a famous chain of homeopathy clinics across the country. Last year, Bajaj took the friendship a step further and became the principal sponsor for the Positive Health Awards instituted by Batra.
Bajaj Auto, for the record, has avoided celebrities to endorse its motorcycles and three-wheelers; still, Bajaj and Batra roped in Bollywood's top stars, from Shah Rukh Khan to Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, to support the cause.
Bajaj sees a deep connection between business and homeopathy, which is invisible to others. "Homeopathy is based on the concept of individualisation where the doctor looks at the person and not just the problem that he has. Contrary to looking at things piecemeal, I found that if one looks at things holistically, as homeopathy does, if one looks at one's business more holistically, one is likely to achieve solutions that are sustainable over time."
Bajaj is ready to take his love for alternate medicine/ therapy a step further: He is starting the Homoeopathy Yoga Centre in Pune which will, for the first time anywhere in the world, bring the two streams, one Indian and the other European, together under one roof.