Apple had registered the trademark App Store in 2008. GetJar, however, has made it clear that it "won't be subject to this kind of bullying" and will continue to use the term.
"We're not going to cease & desist. We were here long before Steve & Co. We were built by developers, to help developers... We're not going to take it! Steve Jobs isn't our dad," Patrick Mork, chief marketing officer at GetJar, wrote at the company's official blog.
Mork added, "GetJar was started by developers for developers in 2004. We started formally distributing free apps in early 2005 and are among the pioneers of the modern direct-to-consumer app store distribution space when the iPhone was just an R&D project in Steve Job's head. So it's not as if we were waiting around for Apple to come up with the idea of app stores."
On Friday, a judge in the US denied Apple's request for a preliminary injunction to stop Amazon from using term 'app store'. The case is slated to go to trial in October.
Patrick Mork said that industry as a whole is moving towards an ecosystem that is closed. "The truth is really alarming. The ecosystem as a whole is becoming increasingly closed. Its character is dictated by larger companies exercising excessive force to get bigger shares of the pie," he wrote.
He added GetJar is starting a movement against the current apps trends. "We're hereby starting a Facebook cause called The Open And Free App Movement (OFAM) to encourage every pi**ed off developer, start-up, carrier, OEM or NGO who is fed up with this crap to make their voice heard," he wrote.